Sacred Heart's GriefShare meetings resume on January 23rd, 2025 and run for 13 weeks. The meetings will be held from 10 am to 12 pm in the Sacred Heart Room. To view the meeting schedule, please click on the link below:
Lord, I did not want a new life, I liked the old one just fine, but I understand going back is not an option. Therefore, teach me to seek you and grow in this new life. Amen.
About Our GriefShare Group:
Understanding is the first step to healing. After the funeral, when all the activities are over, others return to their normal lives. But personal grief continues and most people don’t know what to do next. Often our family and friends want to help but unless they have experienced it, they are at a loss. That’s the reason for our group – to reach out to help parishioners who have experienced the death of a spouse, child, father, mother, sibling or just a really good friend cope with their pain.
Our group is led by members of the parish who have personally experienced grief and are rebuilding their lives. We are all in different stages of our loss, but just being with others in the same situation can be very supporting and uplifting
Our group starts and ends with prayer and we discuss what is happening in their lives and offer companionship and caring – at all times respecting everyone and observing strict confidentiality during the meetings.
Most people come for a while and when they feel ready to move on with their lives, they cease coming to the meetings – which is our goal – to enable people to live with their loss. We welcome anyone to come and also to become involved in the group.