MANY WILL ASK THE QUESTION: How can I become a Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the normal way for non-baptized persons and those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition to become a Catholic. Upon completion of the RCIA program, candidates are received into the Church during the Holy Saturday Night liturgy. If you or someone you know wishes to begin this journey of faith or can assist as a candidate sponsor, please contact Father Truss at 636-225-5268.
Life is a journey that continually searches for meaning. The human heart hungers for relationships that nurture one’s maturity and ability to love and to be loved. Often as one seeks to fulfill these very human yearnings, the realization that something is missing from life is made. As one reflects upon this void, it is not unusual to discover that this something is God. This awakening may lead to a turning point in one’s life to commit to a relationship with God and seek out a worshipping community to guide one’s journey in faith.